Building a Gendered Dictionary

22. Červenec 2019


O prezentaci

When Yeli first made the claim that 'language is sexist' she had no data to back it up. There was no dataset of gendered words to point to and say 'there see!' So, with no knowledge of data gathering or analysis she decided to make one herself. Her talk is about data -- where to get it and how to create it if it doesn’t exist. Using The Gendered Project (a library of gendered words) as a case study, she’ll take the audience through the process of creating a dataset using popular libraries for data analysis and processing in Python — NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit), Panda, Gensim and techniques like regular expressions. Omayeli is an artist and technologist from Nigeria currently based in San Francisco. She is currently working at LinkedIn as a Software Engineer. Her work outside of work aims to use writing, data, code and satire as tools to foster disillusionment with our current realities.



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