Coding the Crossfade

22. Červenec 2019


O prezentaci

When Michael Winslow first decided to place 2 Windows Media Player controls onto a Visual Basic form in the early 2000s, he had no idea that it would lead to a fifteen year adventure as a DJ in Philly! But just like any other DJ, Winslow had to prove himself. All of the fancy tech he created would mean nothing if he could not keep the party moving during song transitions! The key to that: Coding the Crossfade! Michael Winslow picked up his love for programming when he was 10 years old writing GW-Basic code on his Tandy-1000. With his passion for designing simple solutions to complex problems, Michael has played key roles at companies like Aramark, Ortho-McNeil, Oracle and Xfinity Mobile. He is currently a DevOps advocate, Agile enthusiast, and dedicated people-leader for the Core Applications group at Comcast.



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