Powering the Genomics Revolution

11. Září 2019


O prezentaci

Genomics shows a great promise of improving human lives: There will be more accurate diagnostics that can identify disease earlier (which means more opportunities for cures). Pharma is building a core science expertise to bring systematic therapeutics to market faster and more reliably. Medical centers want to improve clinical decisions by understanding more clearly what may be happening to specific individuals. The amount of data generated by the field is expected to grow into tens of exabytes in a few years, which introduces challenges in storage, analysis, and deriving insights. Let’s take a look at how healthcare and life science organizations are retooling to prepare for the revolution. Martin has invested his career into building and driving innovative products that improve people’s lives. Currently with the Silicon Valley company DNAnexus, he has been making scientific data analysis efficient, secure, and user-friendly for clients in pharma, medical diagnostics, and research. Most recently, he has helped build a development and services center for DNAnexus in Prague.



O organizátorovi (Future Port Prague)

By creating Future Port Prague together with our visionary partners, we want to help people and businesses in our region better understand this phenomenon; not just the technology, but the deeper societal changes that will require a rethinking and rewiring of our business models and environments, our education systems, and most importantly our own mindsets.

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