Can Insect Protein Feed Our Planet (and Beyond)

11. Září 2019


O prezentaci

The first animal farm on Mars will be an insect farm. Find out why the cricket protein is the easiest improvement on the sustainability of our diet (and already available). Radek is a co-founder of the leading European cricket protein food brand and also the biggest cricket farm in the world. Instead of studying masters at London School of Economics, Radek (26) cofounded SENS, a leading European cricket protein brand, and decided to change modern diet into more sustainable one. Later, he co-founded as well the world´s biggest cricket farm and now is fully focused on making sustainable cricket protein the new normal. Radek lives in Prague and Berlin, where SENS mainly wants to grow its sales.



O organizátorovi (Future Port Prague)

By creating Future Port Prague together with our visionary partners, we want to help people and businesses in our region better understand this phenomenon; not just the technology, but the deeper societal changes that will require a rethinking and rewiring of our business models and environments, our education systems, and most importantly our own mindsets.

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