A Sweet Spot for Cancer Diagnostics - Are We Living "La Dolce Vita"?

11. Září 2019


O prezentaci

We all know that muscles are proteins, energy is sugar and fat is, well, fat. But what about glycans? Most people never heard of them, and still, they are as much an important part of our lives as the rest of these substances. They can tell us what blood group we have, what kind of flu are we susceptible to or where a cancer cell begins to metastasize. Are we able to use them to our advantage, let´s say for early cancer detection? Tomas is a research scientist at the Slovak Academy of Sciences and a co-founder and CTO of Glycanostics company. After receiving his Ph.D. in biotechnology, he focused fully on novel assay development for early cancer diagnostics. For his work, he won many national and international awards, such as Award from a president of Slovakia, Scientist of the year of Slovakia under 35 or Danubius young scientist award. He also aims to bring science to the general public, especially young people, by letting them in the lab and try things by themselves.



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