Opening Speech: "Building Our Schools To Last"

31. Říjen 2019


O prezentaci

Lead Montessori is "a non-denominational" international community of Montessori School Founders, Owners, Managers, Principals, Administrators and other school leaders. Everyone and anyone is invited to come. Lead Montessori community first met in Prague in 2018. Very quickly we became an ecosystem of people who want to learn, grow, connect, share and network together. We understand that our collective intelligence and experience enriches not just us, but also our schools, our staff, parents and our children, it makes us stronger and helps us to amplify our impact. It also helps us remember that it is our personal leadership what makes our schools successful and sustainable and therefore, we must not forget to care for ourselves. The 2019 Conference Opening will be a reunion of people who attended the Lead Montessori 2018 and a warm welcome to new participants. The Opening will be organised as a community building activity meant to bring us together, catch up on the time which has passed since the last time we saw each other, become acquainted with one another and begin our time together over the coming days.



O organizátorovi (Lead Montessori)

Global Learning Community of Practice. We connect, share and collaborate to build healthy and sustainable Montessori programs.

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