Invited Talk Track 2 - Untangling AI Ethics: Working Toward a Root Issue

14. Prosinec 2019


O prezentaci

Given myriad issues in AI ethics as well as many competing frameworks/declarations, it may be useful to step back to see if we can find a root or common issue, which may help to suggest a broad solution to the complex problem. This involves returning to first principles: what is the nature of AI? I will suggest that AI is the power of increasing omniscience, which is not only generally disruptive to society but also a threat to our autonomy. A broad solution, then, is to aim at restoring that autonomy.



O organizátorovi (NIPS 2019)

Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) is a multi-track machine learning and computational neuroscience conference that includes invited talks, demonstrations, symposia and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. Following the conference, there are workshops which provide a less formal setting.

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