Silencing Self-Doubt and Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

5. Březen 2020


O prezentaci

Is your inner self-doubt overtaking your ability to get into action and go after what you want? Despite academic success, huge promotions, and outstanding accomplishments women often find themselves struggling with a nagging feeling that they will be ‘found out’ or unmasked as a fraud. Imposter syndrome is the internal suspicion that one’s success is merely a matter of luck, timing, charm, or accident. In this panel, tech leaders discuss best practices for those who suffer from Imposter Syndrome and tips on how to overpower these insecurities.



O organizátorovi (Women Impact Tech)

Women Impact Tech (WIT) is an event series that aligns hundreds of top women engineers with companies who are committed to inclusion and innovation. Centered as a celebration of women in tech, attendees will have a chance to network with companies and other female engineers working on cutting edge technology. Through panels, keynotes and presentations, companies and attendees alike will engage in meaningful and inspiring conversation surrounding the past, current, and future impact of women in tech.

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