Stronger and Faster Wasserstein Adversarial Attacks

12. Červenec 2020


O prezentaci

Deep models, while being extremely flexible and accurate, are surprisingly vulnerable to “small, imperceptible” perturbations known as adversarial attacks. While the majority of existing attacks focuses on measuring perturbations under the ℓ_p metric, Wasserstein distance, which takes geometry in pixel space into account, has long known to be a better metric for measuring image quality and has recently risen as a compelling alternative to the ℓ_p metric in adversarial attacks. However, constructing an effective attack under the Wasserstein metric is computationally much more challenging and calls for better optimization algorithms. We address this gap in two ways: (a) we develop an exact yet efficient projection operator to enable a stronger projected gradient attack; (b) we show for the first time that conditional gradient method equipped with a suitable linear minimization oracle works extremely fast under Wasserstein constraints. Our algorithms not only converge faster but also generate much stronger attacks. For instance, we decrease the accuracy of a residual network on CIFAR-10 to less than 30% within a Wasserstein perturbation ball of radius 0.005, in contrast to 65.2% using the previous state-of-the-art attack based on approximate projection.



O organizátorovi (ICML 2020)

The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) is the premier gathering of professionals dedicated to the advancement of the branch of artificial intelligence known as machine learning. ICML is globally renowned for presenting and publishing cutting-edge research on all aspects of machine learning used in closely related areas like artificial intelligence, statistics and data science, as well as important application areas such as machine vision, computational biology, speech recognition, and robotics. ICML is one of the fastest growing artificial intelligence conferences in the world. Participants at ICML span a wide range of backgrounds, from academic and industrial researchers, to entrepreneurs and engineers, to graduate students and postdocs.

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