Tal: A Synchronised Multi-Speaker Corpus Of Ultrasound Tongue Imaging, Audio, And Lip Videos

19. Leden 2021


O prezentaci

We present the Tongue and Lips corpus (TaL), a multi-speaker corpus of audio, ultrasound tongue imaging, and lip videos. TaL consists of two parts: TaL1 is a set of six recording sessions of one professional voice talent, a male native speaker of English; TaL80 is a set of recording sessions of 81 native speakers of English without voice talent experience. Overall, the corpus contains 24 hours of parallel ultrasound, video, and audio data, of which approximately 13.5 hours are speech. This paper describes the corpus and presents benchmark results for the tasks of speech recognition, speech synthesis (articulatory-to-acoustic mapping), and automatic synchronisation of ultrasound to audio. The TaL corpus is publicly available under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. https://cmsworkshops.com/SLT2021/Papers/getManuscript.php?pn=1273



O organizátorovi (IEEE SLT 2021)

The SLT Workshop is a biennial flagship event of IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee. The 8th IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2021) will be held on January 19-22, 2021 in Shenzhen, China. Deep learning has witnessed great success in spoken language technologies over the last decade. We continue welcoming research work from this area. The main theme for SLT 2021 will be around "Spoken language technologies: deep learning and beyond". Besides deep learning, we also encourage explorative efforts on new paradigms and forward-looking approaches for the advancement of spoken language technologies.

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