Oral: Amazon SageMaker Debugger: A System for Real-Time Insights into Machine Learning Model Training

4. Duben 2021


O prezentaci

Manual debugging is a common productivity drain in the machine learning (ML) lifecycle. Identifying underperforming training jobs requires constant developer attention and deep domain expertise. As state-of-the-art models grow in size and complexity, debugging becomes increasingly difficult. Just as unit tests boost traditional software development, an automated ML debugging library can save time and money. We present Amazon SageMaker Debugger, a machine learning feature that automatically identifies and stops underperforming training jobs. Debugger is a new feature of Amazon SageMaker that automatically captures relevant data during training and evaluation and presents it for online and offline inspection. Debugger helps users define a set of conditions, in the form of built-in or custom rules, that are applied to this data, thereby enabling users to catch training issues as well as monitor and debug ML model training in real-time. These rules save time and money by alerting the developer and terminating a problematic training job early.



O organizátorovi (MLSys 2021)

The Conference on Machine Learning and Systems targets research at the intersection of machine learning and systems. The conference aims to elicit new connections amongst these fields, including identifying best practices and design principles for learning systems, as well as developing novel learning methods and theory tailored to practical machine learning workflows.

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