A Theoretical Characterization of Semi-supervised Learning with Self-training for Gaussian Mixture Models

Apr 14, 2021



Self-training is a classical approach in semi-supervised learning which is successfully applied to a variety of machine learning problems. Self-training algorithms generate pseudo-labels for the unlabeled examples and progressively refine these pseudo-labels which hopefully coincides with the actual labels. This work provides theoretical insights into self-training algorithm with a focus on linear classifiers. We first investigate Gaussian mixture models and provide a sharp non-asymptotic characterization of the self-training iterations. Our analysis reveals the provable benefits of rejecting samples with low confidence and demonstrates that self-training iterations gracefully improve the model accuracy even if they do get stuck in sub-optimal fixed points. We then demonstrate that regularization and class margin is crucial for the success and lack of regularization may prevent self-training from identifying the core features in the data. Finally, we discuss statistical aspects of empirical risk minimization with self-training for general distributions. In particular, we show how a fully unsupervised notion of generalization for self-training based clustering can be formalized via cluster margin.



About AISTATS 2021

The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics was held virtually from Tuesday, 13 April 2021 to Thursday, 15 April 2021.

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