Using Reproducible Experiments To Create Better Models

21. Září 2021


O prezentaci

It’s easy to lose track of which changes gave you the best result when you start exploring multiple model architectures. Tracking the changes in your hyperparameter values, along with code and data changes, will help you share results in different environments when you add these changes to your deploy pipeline. In this talk, you will learn how you can use the open-source tool, DVC, to increase reproducibility for two methods of tuning hyperparameters: grid search and random search. We’ll go through a live demo of setting up and running grid search and random search experiments and pushing them through your CI/CD pipeline. By the end of the talk, you’ll know how to add reproducibility to your existing projects.



O organizátorovi (DevOpsDays Houston)

Devopsdays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them.

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