DevOps before there was DevOps, 20yr old style

21. Září 2021


O prezentaci

The year is 1996. A bright, resourceful 20 yr old Network Administrator at an ISP is tasked with a mundane, tedious project. Said 20 yr old feels he has a better way, and takes it upon himself to get creative. What follows is a quick journey down memory lane to a time before DevOps was DevOps, through the eyes of a 43yo looking back on his 20yo self. Some of the takeaways here would be that: 1. DevOps principles should be used for good 2. Jeremy should not be asked to build a deck 3. We’ve learned a lot since 1996, and yet we’ve forgotten a lot. Let’s get nostalgic.



O organizátorovi (DevOpsDays Houston)

Devopsdays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them.

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