A Two-Stage Training Framework with Feature-Label Matching Mechanism for Learning from Label Proportions

17. Listopad 2021


O prezentaci

In this paper, we study a task called Learning from Label Proportions (LLP). LLP aims to learn an instance-level classifier given a number of bags and each bag is composed of several instances. The label of each instance is concealed and what we know is the proportion of each class in each bag. The lack of instance-level supervision information makes the model struggle for finding the right direction for optimization. In this paper, we solve this problem by developing a two-stage training framework. First, we facilitate contrastive learning to train a feature extractor in an unsupervised way. Second, we train a linear classifier with the parameter of the feature extractor fixed. This framework performs much better than most baselines but is still unsatisfactory when the bag size or the number of classes is large. Therefore, we further propose a Feature-Label Matching mechanism (FLMm). FLMm can provide a roughly right optimization direction for the classifier by assigning labels to a subset of instances selected in this bag with a high degree of confidence. Therefore, the classifier can more easily establish the correspondence between instances and labels in the second stage. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets, namely CIFAR10 and CIFAR100, show that our model is far superior than baseline models, for example, accuracy increases from 43.44% to 61.25% for bag size 128 on CIFAR100.


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The 13th Asian Conference on Machine Learning ACML 2021 aims to provide a leading international forum for researchers in machine learning and related fields to share their new ideas, progress and achievements.

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