PhysioMTL: Personalizing Physiological Patterns using Optimal Transport Multi-Task Regression

7. Duben 2022


O prezentaci

Heart rate variability (HRV) is a practical and noninvasive measure of autonomic nervous system activity, which plays an essential role in cardiovascular health. However, using HRV to assess physiology status is complicated, even in clinical situations, by sensitivity to acute stressors from work, mental stress, physical activities, alcohol, and sleep. Wearable devices provide convenient HRV measurements, but the irregularity of measurements and uncaptured stressors can bias conventional analytical methods. To better interpret HRV measurements for downstream healthcare applications, we learn a personalized diurnal rhythm as an accurate physiological indicator for each individual. We develop Physiological Multitask-Learning (PhysioMTL) by harnessing Optimal Transport theory within a Multitask-learning (MTL) framework. The proposed method learns an individual-specific predictive model from heterogeneous observations, and enables estimation of an optimal transport map that yields a push forward operation onto the demographic features for each task. Our model outperforms competing MTL methodologies on unobserved predictive tasks for synthetic and two real-world datasets in eight settings. Furthermore, our model enables a counterfactual engine that generates the effect of acute stressors and chronic conditions on HRV rhythms.


O organizátorovi (AHLI CHIL)

The ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL), targets a cross-disciplinary representation of clinicians and researchers (from industry and academia) in machine learning, health policy, causality, fairness, and other related areas.

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