Provable Adversarial Robustness for Fractional Lp Threat Models

Mar 28, 2022



In recent years, researchers have extensively studied adversarial robustness in a variety of threat models, including L_0, L_1, L_2, and L_infinity-norm bounded adversarial attacks. However, attacks bounded by fractional L_p "norms" (quasi-norms defined by the L_p distance with 0<p<1) have yet to be thoroughly considered. We proactively propose a defense with several desirable properties: it provides provable (certified) robustness, scales to ImageNet, and yields deterministic (rather than high-probability) certified guarantees when applied to quantized data (e.g., images). Our technique for fractional L_p robustness constructs expressive, deep classifiers that are globally Lipschitz with respect to the L_p^p metric, for any 0<p<1. However, our method is even more general: we can construct classifiers which are globally Lipschitz with respect to any metric defined as the sum of concave functions of components. Our approach builds on a recent work by Levine and Feizi (2021), which provides a provable defense against L_1 attacks. However, we demonstrate that our proposed guarantees are highly non-vacuous, compared to the trivial solution of using (Levine and Feizi, 2021) directly and applying norm inequalities.


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