Why Good EX Makes for Better CX

7. Červen 2022


O prezentaci

According to McKinsey, companies with a diverse and inclusive workforce experience better profitability. Part of what’s driving this are product experiences that more accurately reflect the world around us and the people who live in it. In this session, attendees will learn why diverse teams are essential to building better products, how to make your company more inclusive and equitable, and ultimately how all of this impacts the customer experience for the products we build. Key Takeaways 1) Understand the importance of – and business case for – prioritizing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) within the workplace. 2) Learn how scenario planning, equitable access to information, and active listening can help staff feel more confident in your company’s direction. 3) Learn how DEIB and happier employees lead to products and experiences that reflect the world we live in – with people of all backgrounds, abilities, and experiences.



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