Closing Remarks

21. Září 2022


O prezentaci

James Sanders, Cloud & Quantum Computing Analyst, CCS Insight James Sanders serves as principal analyst for Cloud & Infrastructure at CCS Insight. His research remit focuses on the next generation of compute architecture, including a focus on workload-specific accelerators and quantum computers, and the methods by which these new formats of computational power are integrated into existing environments and made accessible to customers, researchers, and independent practitioners.



O organizátorovi (Quantum.Tech)

Quantum.Tech brings together the entire quantum community showcasing the multinational enterprises, governments, academics and solution providers who are leading the charge to achieving quantum supremacy. Quantum.Tech events are held in London and US each year with the global quantum community coming together under one roof. Quantum.Tech aim is to enable you to learn and networking with the leading enterprises and quantum thought leaders of the industry.

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