Feb 13, 2023
Řečník · 0 sledujících
Řečník · 0 sledujících
Is a database of biologically relevant reactions that are balanced for mass and charge, with links to the biochemical literature. Rhea is freely available as RDF and via SPARQL under the CC-BY-4.0 international license. Rhea is used by resources such as UniProt to annotate enzymatic activity of proteins. In this tutorial we will show how to access Rhea, the way it uses and extends ChEBI and links to UniProt. We will also show how other Elixir resources can be used to see more information in the chemical space including chemical substructure and similarity search.Is a database of biologically relevant reactions that are balanced for mass and charge, with links to the biochemical literature. Rhea is freely available as RDF and via SPARQL under the CC-BY-4.0 international license. Rhea is used by resources such as UniProt to annotate enzymatic activity of proteins. In this tutorial we will show how to access Rhea, the way it uses and extends ChEBI and links to UniProt. We will also show how other Elixir resources can be used to see more information in the…
Kategorie · 175 prezentací
Since 2008, the SWAT4(HC)LS Workshop has provided a platform for the presentation and discussion of the benefits and limits of applying Web-based information systems and semantic technologies in the domains of health care and life sciences. Growing steadily each year as Semantic Web applications become more widespread, SWAT4LS has been in Edinburgh (2008), Amsterdam (2009), Berlin (2010), London (2011), Paris (2012), Aveiro (SWAT4LS School organized in 2012), Edinburgh (2013) and Berlin (2014). Since 2015, SWAT4LS changed format and has been organized as a 2 day conference, preceded by a tutorial day and followed by a hackathon day (Cambridge, 2015, and Amsterdam, 2016). SWAT4(HC)LS aims at providing an open and stimulating environment that brings together researchers, both developers and users, from areas as diverse as eHealth, medical and clinical informatics, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, drug discovery, drug safety, systems biology, medical physics, data science, and biocomputing, to discuss goals, current limits and real experiences in the application of Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies to challenges in health care and life sciences. The meetings are typically very interactive and are accompanied by tutorials and a hackathon.
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