The Impact Of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Oct 31, 2023



Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) happen all over the world and usually within families. Evidence from the past 25 years has shown us that these have a cumulative effect, in that the more of these experiences a child has the greater the impact will be in later life in terms of health, addiction, mental health problems, incarceration and violence. Working in children’s homes we see many children affected in this way and working in addiction services we can also see the results of early experiences. I also believe these experiences tend to be intergenerational in that they get passed from one generation to the next.


About Klinika adiktologie

Klinika adiktologie je odborné pracoviště 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze. Vznikla k 1. 1. 2012 spojením Centra adiktologie Psychiatrické kliniky 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze a Oddělení pro léčbu závislostí VFN v Praze. Jde na tomto poli o zcela unikátní spojení dvou doposud samostatných pracovišť, zahrnujících jak lékařskou, tak nelékařskou část profesí pohybujících se v tomto nově se konstituujícím oboru.

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