AI for Dummies: Skynet not quite here yet

8. Listopad 2023


O prezentaci

It’s an HSMAI tradition: Sales leaders will share their interesting ideas and case studies for driving revenue and profit. In 6 minutes & 40 seconds, each will share best practices with practical takeaways that you can use to sharpen every-day skills and boost property performance, or strategic insights that broaden your perspective and help you better understand key issues and concepts that impact the strategic and leadership aspects of the sales discipline. We’ll get “lightning bolts” from: Mercedes Blanco, CMP, Chief Partnerships Officer, The Hotels Network Lovell Casiero, SVP, Sales & Marketing, PM Hotels Christoph McLaughlin, Vice President of Asset Management Strategy, Ashford Gissell Moronta, CMP, Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Atrium Mike Schmitt, CEO, Clairvoyix



O organizátorovi ( Hospitality Sales & Marketing Association International)

HSMAI is the hospitality industry source for knowledge, community, and recognition for leaders committed to professional development, sales growth, revenue optimization, marketing, and branding.

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