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Brigitte Grof is a psychologist, psychotherapist and artist. In her early years she had a psychedelic experience and was quite alone with it. She studied psychology, but that did not answer her questions. After she had completed her studies of psychology she started to study art . In 1985 she found Stanislav Grof´s books and decided to meet him . She had her first experience with Holotropic Breathwork in Zürich, Switzerland and in 1986 she went to Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California to participate in a monthlong Holotropic Breathwork seminar with Stan and Christina Grof on “Ancient wisdom and modern science“. She stayed as a work sholar and assisted in many breathwork workshops. In the following year she attended another Grof monthlong seminar on creativity called „ The Promethean impulse“. Before the official Grof Breathwork training there was a monthlong training in the States for people who already had experience in Holotropic Breathwork, which she attended and also participated in a 3 year training in Switzerland. Since 1989 she has been leading her own breathwork workshops in Germany. In the early years she also worked in France and was leading the first Holotropic Breathwork workshop in Czechoslovakia with Stan´s mother Maria Grof. From the beginning of the Grof Transpersonal Training she was offering optional modules in Germany with Sylvester Walch and a 3 year training with Ingo Jahrsetz. She has a private practice as psychotherapist in Wiesbaden, Germany, working with Gestalt-, bodywork and breathwork.