Carmel Domshlak is Associate Professor at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management. He is the Director of the Technion-Microsoft Center for E-Commerce Research, a founder of the Business Intelligence Lab. He holds Ph.D. in computer science, and prior to joining the Technion, he spent two years at Cornell University. The research of Carmel Domshlak is mainly devoted to computational and knowledge representation problems in the field of Artificial Intelligence, with a strong emphasis on problems of automated sequential decision making for autonomous systems. His other research interests include modeling and reasoning about preferences and multi-agent interactions, information analysis, and information retrieval. He received the 2009 JAIR-IJCAI Best Paper Prize, and ICAPS-2008, ICAPS-2009, and ECAI-2014 Best Paper awards. He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), Editorial Board member for Artificial Intelligence journal, and a co-chair of ICAPS-2015 conference.