Giorgia Gaia

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Giorgia Gaia is a 32 years old Italian independent researcher with a MA degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology and another MA degree in Theology (Western Esotericism) at the University Van Amsterdam. Since her early twenties she has been working as an electronic musician and event organizer, also in international festivals. Her academic researches have focused on musical subcultures and psychedelics, esoteric communities, ecology and alterations of consciousness broadly. She spent about four years doing fieldworks in the psychedelic trance scenes around Europe and in few esoteric communities, as for instance Damanhur in North Italy, publishing the results of her researches in underground platforms and obtaining positive responses. Recently she has completed a consistent historical and anthropological research on Changa, a new concoction containing DMT. Her next researches will focus on the relationship between psychedelics, specifically DMT, and ecological consciousness.