Hans Peter Hahn


Hans Peter Hahn is Professor of Social Anthropology at Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. He studied social anthropology, archaeology and botany in Frankfurt and received a doctorate in 1994 with a thesis entitled “Die materielle Kultur der Konkomba, Lamba und Kabyè in Nord-Togo: Ein regionaler Kulturvergleich”. In 2003 he habilitated in Bayreuth with a thesis on „Die Dinge des Alltags und materielle Kultur in Kollo (Kasena, Burkina Faso)“. There he conducted the research project “Lokales Handeln im Kontext globaler Einflüsse” before being appointed as a professor at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. He is currently the speaker of the research training group “Value and Equivalence” . His research focuses on West-Africa, material culture, ethnographic museums, comsumption, migration and mobility and globalization. At Topoi he carries out his research within the research group (B-4) Space-Identity-Locality. Besides giving lectures on material culture his work at Topoi comprises the writing up of a book manuscript under the working title “Material Culture and Identity”.