Hilla Johanna Sopanen

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is a Master student in the department of Theology and Religious studies at the University of Groningen, currently finishing M.Sc. in Gnosticism, Esotericism and Mysticism. They are very interested in the ways in which psychedelic experience relates to religious phenomenology, mysticism and esotericism. Previously having completed B.Sc. in Psychology the author is drawn to interdisciplinary modes of thought, as well as emerging opportunities that lie in therapeutic work. Their article ‘Tripping Rabbis; Impact of Psychedelic Consciousness in the revival of Jewish Mystical Tradition during the 1960s Counterculture Movement’ was published in the Psychedelic Press UK in June 2017. While living in the Netherlands they have become associated with OPEN Foundation, and were part of organizing Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research in Amsterdam in 2016. This summer they had the opportunity to work at harm reduction service Cosmic Care also organized by Open Foundation. Shortly after the conference they will move to Argentina to carry out an internship at Fundacion Vocacion Humana, a psychological institute specialized in Jungian thought. (itcprague2017.org)