Milan Hrabánek


Lékař, psychiatr, výzkumník, vysokoškolský pedagog, asistent prof. Grofa pro ČR a Polsko, zakladatel a vedoucí terapeut Mezinárodního transpersonálního centra Holos v ČR, certifikovaný terapeut Grof Tranpersonal Training Stanislavem Grofem, držitel mnoha certifikátů pro transpersonální techniky, např. Sand Play, Expressive Therapies Institute of Australia a Extension University of California, San Diego, USA (UCSD). Doctor, psychiatrist, researcher, university teacher, assistant of Stanislav Grof for the Czech Republic and Poland, founder and chief therapist of the International Transpersonal Centre HOLOS in the Czech Republic, Grof Tranpersonal Trainingtherapist certified by Stanislav Grof, keeper of many certificates for use of transpersonal techniques like Sand Play, Expressive Therapies Institute of Australia an Extension of the University of California, San Diego, USA (UCSD)