Nadia Kaplanskaya

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Nadia is a Personal Brand Specialist who works with business leaders on establishing a strong positive reputation and authority in their fields. After almost 10 years of successful career as a photographer, winning several awards, travelling the world, working closely with big corporations like DHL and Grey Group, Nadia still didn’t feel that what she was doing was the right thing for her. So she started one-on-one coaching sessions for clients who wanted to improve their professional presentation in still-image media. Receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback from her clients and realising that most people underestimate the importance of an authentic personal image, Nadia made a decisive step into Personal Branding. In January 2014 she moved from Paris to Prague with her husband and two kids in order to take a break and see other perspectives for her own career. Now she eagerly shares her knowledge, experience and best practices with business leader, start-up owners and professional teams, while studying Neuroeconomy and working on Project Attempters in her spare time.