Roman Barták works as a full professor at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, where he leads the Constraint Satisfaction and Optimisation Research Group. In 1999-2004 he led research activities of a multinational company Visopt BV, where he was the main architect of the scheduling engine developed by this company. His work focuses on techniques of constraint satisfaction and their application to planning, scheduling, and other areas. Since 1998 he has been teaching a course on Constraint Programming at Charles University, he gave several tutorials on constraint processing at international conferences (IJCAI, AAAI, ICAPS, CI, SAC) and summer schools (ESSLLI, NASSLLI) and he is an author of the On-line Guide to Constraint Programming (#2 source for Constraint Programming according to Google) and On-line Guide to Prolog Programming (#2 source for Prolog Programming according to Google).