Simon Green


Simon Green is a Curandero who has been making his living in the Health Sciences since the mid 90’s. He has had an ongoing relationship with Ayahuasca for 13 years, and is an accomplished Huachumero.Simon was a member of the leadership team at the inaugural conference in 2013 in Tarapoto, Peru of ATOP [Ayahuasca Treatment Outcome Project] a multidisciplinary research project headed by Dr. Brian Rush, PhD. Simon has conducted treatments for the patients of Takiwasi, Peru, a centre for the rehabilitation of drug addiction and for research on Traditional Medicines attending as visiting Curandero.Closer to home Simon is a acknowledged as working in a manner akin to Ngangkari, Maparnjarra or Marngitt by senior Law Men in the West, Northern and Central regions of Australia. He maintains a private practice in Mid North NSW where he sees an increasing amount of clients needing assistance as a result of Ayahuasca & other entheogen usage. He also produces radio features on the subject of healing for ABC RN.