Be My Eyes

1. Prosinec 2016


O prezentaci

Be My Eyes is a free mobile app that aims to make the world more accessible for the blind & visually impaired. Even though many blind & visually impaired people can go about their lives without assistance, there are situations where an extra pair of helpful eyes is invaluable. These moments vary from reading the expiry date of foods or getting assistance with handouts in school to more complex issues like navigating new surroundings or understanding complicated technical matters. Be My Eyes enables blind & visually impaired people to connect with sighted volunteers all over the world by simply making a video call on a smartphone. This entrepreneurial project combines digital technology with social interaction to help the community help. The beauty of Be My Eyes lies in connecting the blind with the sighted, thus helping someone in a pinch overcome daily struggles by providing valuable aid instantly, while allowing friendships to grow through digital innovation.



O organizátorovi (European Youth Award)

The European Youth Award (EYA) is a pan-European contest to motivate young people to produce socially-valuable digital projects that address the goals defined by the Council of Europe and Europe 2020. It demonstrates their potential to create innovative solutions with Internet and Mobile technology. The EYA Festival is an established platform for international knowledge-exchange and a widely recognized networking-event for future cooperation. EYA is organized by the International Center for New Media, a Non-Profit Organization based in Salzburg, Austria.

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