Don’t Make Me Think – Q&A with Steve Krug

15. Březen 2017


O prezentaci

A message from Steve Krug: “Unfortunately, the need to deal with a medical issue means I won’t be able to travel to Seattle for ConveyUX. Honestly, I’m pretty bummed, because I’ve been looking forward to it for months. Plus I’ve never had to cancel a speaking engagement before (at least not that I can remember), and I’m not happy doing it. But in this case it just can’t be helped. We have arranged for me to “phone it in” via a remote Ask Me Anything session. It’s not like me actually being there, but I think we’ll enjoy it.” Steve will be on a video conference link and provide his thoughts on a variety of UX topics. Tom Satwicz will get things started and moderate the discussion. Bring your own questions to this informal discussion with Steve Krug.



O organizátorovi (ConveyUX)

ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals.

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