How to help our clients make the right choices

Feb 28, 2018



ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals. Solving design problems for our users is our daily job. But sometimes we have additional challenges that have more to do with the Client than with the project, like helping them make key UX decisions or winning approval so we can move the project forward. Developing the right decision-making context for the Client and not just for the user, is key to achieving a successful outcome for the Client, the project and the users. This presentation walks the audience through 3 different decision-making strategies and artifacts we used to help the Client make the right decision and move towards a successful outcome. Case 1: working in a government project with high political stakes, the Client was making product decisions based on aesthetics, neglecting key UX issues that would have made the project fail. Case 2: working on a disruptive product for the retail industry, the product was so new and outside of the Client’s mental model that we couldn’t obtain the insights needed to design the product. Case 3: we were called to work with an Electronic Health Records product that had low adoption rates, required too much customer support, and was not achieving key business metrics. But the Client was so attached to the existing design that it was very difficult to make the necessary UX changes to save the product. Three key takeways 3 different decision-making strategies and artifacts that the audience can use to help their clients: Shift the focus from UI to UX in a high stakes project where neglecting UX can make the entire project fail Obtain insights for product design when the product is so new that Clients don’t have a mental model to relate to introduce UX changes in projects where stakeholders are too attached to the existing product that no changes are approved



About ConveyUX

ConveyUX is a series of events, produced by Blink UX, of interest to user experience professionals.

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