Will Drones Keep Their Promise to Move Our World Faster?

7. Září 2018


O prezentaci

Today, as drones are turning from a buzzword to a useful technological instrument bringing value across many industries and starting to disrupt old businesses and services, it seems like they are here to stay and are only taking their first steps in making our physical world move faster. As we are only in the initial stages of this exponential-technology economic impact, entrepreneurs worldwide are excited to take part in what seems like a real revolution in the way we see and record our world and move things physically over the surface of the planet.



O organizátorovi (Future Port Prague)

By creating Future Port Prague together with our visionary partners, we want to help people and businesses in our region better understand this phenomenon; not just the technology, but the deeper societal changes that will require a rethinking and rewiring of our business models and environments, our education systems, and most importantly our own mindsets.

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