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  • title: Autonomous learning at their fingertips: How do language teachers perceive autonomous learning in a higher education setting that offers multiple services that promote this way of learning anf teaching?
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            Autonomous learning at their fingertips: How do language teachers perceive autonomous learning in a higher education setting that offers multiple services that promote this way of learning anf teaching?
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            Autonomous learning at their fingertips: How do language teachers perceive autonomous learning in a higher education setting that offers multiple services that promote this way of learning anf teaching?

            22. září 2018



            Bianca Seelinger

            Speaker · 0 followers



            Education & Teaching

            Category · 357 presentations

            O organizátorovi (Centrum jazykového vzdělávání MU)

            Centrum jazykového vzdělávání Masarykovy univerzity (Masaryk University Language Centre)

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