7 Reasons why your microservices should use Event Sourcing & CQRS

Oct 24, 2018



Event Sourcing & CQRS offers a compelling and often controversial alternative for persisting data in microservice systems environments. This alternate approach is new for most of us, and it is justified to have a healthy level of skepticism towards any shiny new and often over-hyped solution. However, what is interesting is that this is so new that even the champions and evangelists often overlook the real benefits provided by this new way of capturing and storing data. In this talk, we will look at 7 of the top reasons for using Event Sourcing & CQRS. These reasons covered go beyond the often referenced benefits, such as event stores are natural audit logs, or offering the ability to go back in history to replay past events. The primary goal of this talk is to flip your view from limited to no use of ES & CQRS to an alternate perspective of what you give up when you elect to not use it as the go-to persistence strategy.



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