Executive Fireside Chat

26. Leden 2019


O prezentaci

A conversation to share insights, research, stories, and actionable ideas to move the industry needle.



O organizátorovi (Women in Cloud)

Women in Cloud is a community-led initiative supporting female technology entrepreneurs. Via private-public partnerships with innovative companies and leaders in tech. Women in Cloud creates access to partnership opportunities, programs that accelerate business growth in the cloud and strategic alliances that advance the success of women in tech. Women In Cloud celebrates the female entrepreneurs in the tech world; a source of inspiration and support that connects and empowers women in Washington and beyond, helping them to realize their potential and reach new growth through leading cloud industry, community, and government partners. Our mission is to inspire, empower and accelerate the growth of women-led technology companies. The Women in Cloud Initiative is led by the Ignite WA leadership team in collaboration with Industry Partners, Microsoft Corporation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), and Meylah.

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