How to win Kaggle competition and get familiar with machine learning?

24. Únor 2019


O prezentaci

Have you heard that knowing machine learning is the easiest way to get rich quickly? Let’s test this statement. Kaggle is the place to do data science projects, why not to start there? During this session we will solve simple Kaggle competition. Actually, we will submit two solutions. The first made with super-duper deep neural network (black-box approach). Then we will follow proven ML methodologies and solve the problem methodically. All that using SQL Server Machine Learning Services. Minimum slides and maximum fun guaranteed.



O organizátorovi (Machine Learning Prague)

Machines can learn. Incredibly fast. Faster than you. They are getting smarter and smarter every day. They are already changing your world, your business and your life. Artificial intelligence revolution is here. Come and learn how to turn this threat into your biggest opportunity. This is not another academic conference. Our goal is to foster discussion between machine learning practitioners and all people who are interested in applications of modern trends in artificial intelligence. You can look forward to inspiring people, algorithms, data, applications, workshops and a lot of fun during three days as well as at two great parties.

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