Machine Learning the demise of static thresholds

Feb 21, 2019



Few mainframe shops can afford the luxury of a dedicated performance monitoring team. Those that do, dedicate their time to learn system behaviors and set meaningful thresholds to watch for out of bounds metrics indicating a problem has, or is about to occur. This is a very time-consuming effort that requires regular review and maintenance to avoid the constant “that light is always red, ignore it” scenarios. Shops that do not have a dedicated team may set some thresholds on critical workloads or system components, but rarely get the opportunity to consistently review those thresholds; for example, a CPU threshold set three hardware versions ago is now obsolete. What if you could utilize Machine Learning to automate this process? What if your system could learn from your data? Learn what is normal on a Monday morning or a Thursday night? In this session, come learn how Machine Learning can relieve you of this workload and let you focus on actually tuning the workloads, not just fighting fires.


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The Computer Measurement Group is a not-for-profit, worldwide organization of IT professionals committed to sharing information and best practices focused on ensuring the efficiency and scalability of IT service delivery to the enterprise through measurement, quantitative analysis and forecasting. CMG members are primarily concerned with performance evaluation of existing systems to maximize performance (eg. response time, throughput, etc.) and with capacity management where planned enhancements to existing systems or the design of new systems are evaluated to find the necessary resources required to provide adequate performance at a reasonable cost.

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