Paradise by the (Analytics) Dashboard Light: Data Storytelling for B2B Marketers

Oct 17, 2019



B2B marketers have been collecting and creating analytics reports for decades. But in the 2018 CMO survey, CMOs use analytics for decision-making only one-third of the time. Why? Because data isn't insight, and insight isn't action. So, all of our hard work on analytics gets ignored. But, what if we could fix that? Join us for this masterclass on dashboards, data storytelling, and data visualization to learn how to do just that. At the end of this session you will be able to: Identify the key principles of data storytelling Understand data visualization frameworks and overall data visualization best practices See common B2B dashboards implemented using the free Google Data Studio and Google Analytics Attendee Experience Level: This session is for those that have a basic idea of the topic, but very little experience implementing and for those who are experienced in the topic, but have not gotten to advanced concepts.



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