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Dec 14, 2019
Speaker · 0 followers
Medical imaging and radiology are facing a major crisis with an ever-increasing complexity and volume of data along an immense economic pressure. The current advances and widespread use of imaging technologies now overload the human capacity of interpreting medical images, dangerously posing a risk of missing critical patterns of diseases. Machine learning has emerged as a key technology for developing novel tools in computer aided diagnosis, therapy and intervention. Still, progress is slow compared to other fields of visual recognition, which is mainly due to the domain complexity and constraints in clinical applications, i.e., robustness, high accuracy and reliability. “Medical Imaging meets NeurIPS” aims to bring researchers together from the medical imaging and machine learning communities to discuss the major challenges in the field and opportunities for research and novel applications. The proposed event will be the continuation of a successful workshop organized in NeurIPS 2017 and 2018 ( It will feature a series of invited speakers from academia, medical sciences and industry to give an overview of recent technological advances and remaining major challenges.Medical imaging and radiology are facing a major crisis with an ever-increasing complexity and volume of data along an immense economic pressure. The current advances and widespread use of imaging technologies now overload the human capacity of interpreting medical images, dangerously posing a risk of missing critical patterns of diseases. Machine learning has emerged as a key technology for developing novel tools in computer aided diagnosis, therapy and intervention. Still, progress is slow co…
Category · 14.8k presentations
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) is a multi-track machine learning and computational neuroscience conference that includes invited talks, demonstrations, symposia and oral and poster presentations of refereed papers. Following the conference, there are workshops which provide a less formal setting.
Professional recording and live streaming, delivered globally.
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