An Optimal Reduction of TV-Denoising to Adaptive Online Learning

Apr 14, 2021



We consider the problem of estimating a function from $n$ noisy samples whose discrete Total Variation (TV) is bounded by $C_n$. We reveal a deep connection to the seemingly disparate problem of \emph{Strongly Adaptive} online learning [Daniely et al 2015] and provide an $O(n \log n)$ time algorithm that attains the near minimax optimal rate of $\tilde O (n^{1/3}C_n^{2/3})$ under squared error loss. The resulting algorithm runs online and optimally \emph{adapts} to the \emph{unknown} smoothness parameter $C_n$. This leads to a new and more versatile alternative to wavelets-based methods for (1) adaptively estimating TV bounded functions; (2) online forecasting of TV bounded trends in time series.



About AISTATS 2021

The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics was held virtually from Tuesday, 13 April 2021 to Thursday, 15 April 2021.

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