Multi-Environment Pretraining Enables Transfer to Action Limited Datasets

Dec 2, 2022



Using massive datasets to train large-scale models has emerged as a dominant approach for broad generalization in natural language and vision applications. In reinforcement learning, however, a key challenge is that available data of sequential decision making is often not annotated with actions - for example, videos of game-play are much more available than sequences of frames paired with the logged game controls. We propose to circumvent this challenge by combining large but sparsely-annotated datasets from a target environment of interest with fully-annotated datasets from various other source environments. Our method, Action Limited PreTraining (ALPT), leverages the generalization capabilities of inverse dynamics modelling (IDM) to label missing action data in the target environment. We show that utilizing even one additional environment dataset of labelled data during IDM pretraining gives rise to substantial improvements in generating action labels for unannotated sequences. We evaluate our method on benchmark game-playing environments and show that we can significantly improve game performance and generalization capability compared to other approaches, even when using annotated datasets equivalent to only 12 minutes of gameplay.


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