NaNofuzz: A Usable Automatic Test Generation

Dec 6, 2023



In the United States alone, software testing labor is estimated to cost $48 billion USD per year. Despite widespread test execution automation, and automation in other areas of software engineering, test suites continue to be created manually by software engineers. We have built a test generation tool, called NaNofuzz, that helps users find bugs in their code by suggesting tests where the output is likely indicative of a bug, e.g., that return NaN (not-a-number) values. NaNofuzz is an interactive tool embedded in a development environment to fit into the programmer’s workflow. NaNofuzz tests a function with as little as one button press, analyses the program to determine inputs it should evaluate, executes the program on those inputs, and categorizes outputs to prioritize likely bugs. We conducted a randomized controlled trial with 28 professional software engineers using NaNofuzz as the intervention treatment and the popular manual testing tool, Jest, as the control treatment. Participants using NaNofuzz on average identified bugs more accurately (p&lt\;.05, by 30%), were more confident in their tests (p&lt\;.03, by 20%), and finished their tasks more quickly (p&lt\;.007, by 30%).



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