Sep 19, 2013
More transparency - We believe that many economic crises have been largely due to an insufficient overview/understanding of what is going on in the economy. Many sources publish macroeconomic data, but people don't often know where to look for it or how to read the data. Even for professional analysts, the gathering of data can be very time-consuming and/or expensive. Our project aims to improve the situation and increase transparency by making it easier to identify macroeconomic imbalances and helping to understand their underlying causes. Easy to use - We wish to provide a platform where anyone can easily find macroeconomic data in an unbiased and understandable way. Data from several public sources (e.g. the World Bank, Eurostat) is arranged not only according to key economic areas (e.g. GDP, inflation and public finance), but also according to economic themes seeking to give support in answering fundamental questions such as "What is the risk profile of a country?". The site's navigation is prepared in such a way that visitors can retrieve the information they are looking for easily and quickly. Accessible for everyone - We want to give access to our site to as many people as possible. Most of the data (in the form of graphs and tables) is accessible free of charge. We charge only for certain thematically arranged data pages and for downloading graphs, tables and time series. Definitions are accessible for free. We do not intend to place ads on our website because we want to keep the pages user-friendly and as straightforward as possible. Moreover, we want to remain independent. More transparency - We believe that many economic crises have been largely due to an insufficient overview/understanding of what is going on in the economy. Many sources publish macroeconomic data, but people don't often know where to look for it or how to read the data. Even for professional analysts, the gathering of data can be very time-consuming and/or expensive. Our project aims to improve the situation and increase transparency by making it easier to identify macroeconomic imbalances an…
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Total of 0 viewers voted for saving the presentation to eternal vault which is 0.0%