Jul 18, 2016
There was time when there were no maps. Information was communicated in simple ways. As humans, we make sense of our experience by providing order and structure. We are form givers – communicators of information. For centuries, geographic data has been recorded and shaped into maps. But a map is static and only a reflection of what was, not what is or what should be. In order to fully comprehend change, we need to completely transform data into information services. The M.App of the future is now, with a new form for envisioning, experiencing and communicating geographic information. Fuse fresh content sources, 360° analytics, targeted workflows, and meaningful visualizations to build an experience that makes sense. Explore the power of a new form for delivering dynamic information through the M.App of the future.
We proudly announce that Prague is the hosting city of the XXIIIrd Congress of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. The General Assembly at the XXIInd ISPRS Congress in Melbourne elected Prague as the next host of the Congress. Lena Halounová, the chairperson of the Czech Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (SFDP - http://www.sfdp.cz/), was appointed the Congress Director. Organizers of the Congress are eager to provide excellent services for all participants in order to prepare a fully convenient and pleasant event. Prague and its citizens will be more than happy to make you feel satisfied and comfortably during the Congress.
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