May 31, 2019
Speaker · 0 followers
Healthy culture is important for happy, productive teams. But building (and maintaining) a culture requires constant effort. Engineering teams have an advantage over other kinds of teams, though: engineers can build things! In this talk, Ash Furrow will describe the various tools Artsy has built to automate its engineering team culture, how that overlaps with the broader company, and how tooling opens up entirely new possibilities in automation.Healthy culture is important for happy, productive teams. But building (and maintaining) a culture requires constant effort. Engineering teams have an advantage over other kinds of teams, though: engineers can build things! In this talk, Ash Furrow will describe the various tools Artsy has built to automate its engineering team culture, how that overlaps with the broader company, and how tooling opens up entirely new possibilities in automation.…
Category · 1k presentations
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