Jul 28, 2023
Speaker · 0 followers
Speaker · 0 followers
Speaker · 0 followers
Low surface brightness substructures around galaxies, known as tidal features, are a valuable tool in the detection of past or ongoing galaxy mergers. Their properties can answer questions about the progenitor galaxies involved in the interactions. This paper presents promising results from a self-supervised machine learning model, trained on data from the Ultradeep layer of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program optical imaging survey, designed to automate the detection of tidal features. We find that self-supervised models are capable of detecting tidal features and that our model outperforms previous automated tidal feature detection methods. The previous state of the art method achieved 76% completeness for 22% contamination, while our model achieves considerably higher (96%) completeness for the same level of contamination.Low surface brightness substructures around galaxies, known as tidal features, are a valuable tool in the detection of past or ongoing galaxy mergers. Their properties can answer questions about the progenitor galaxies involved in the interactions. This paper presents promising results from a self-supervised machine learning model, trained on data from the Ultradeep layer of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program optical imaging survey, designed to automate the detection of tidal feature…
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