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            After the Non-ordinary Comes the Ordinary

            1. října 2017



            Bence Ganti

            Řečník · 0 sledujících

            O prezentaci

            In non-ordinary states we can experience a transitory libration form our ego-fixations and thus a higher and purer existence with opening of the senses, the mind and the heart. We might feel more real, more true and more connected to both the gross visible, and the subtle invisible dimensons of the world. When we come back after our experience (or journey) we often have to face our ego and lower self coming back online. It is useful to accept this and have a guidance how to integrate the higher…



            International Transpersonal Conference

            Účet · 864 sledujících


            Psychologie a sociologie

            Kategorie · 425 prezentací

            O organizátorovi (International Transpersonal Conference)

            The mission of the conference is to present an exclusive series of lectures, panel discussions and experiential workshops delivered by legendary founders of transpersonal psychology such as Stanislav Grof, Ervin Laszlo, Rick Doblin, Alex Grey, Dean Radin and many more key figures of the current transpersonal movement, as well as from other disciplines such as inner health, psychotherapy and clinical research, Psychedelics, shamanism, collective psychics and social transformation, mystical spirituality and more ..

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